What To Do When You Have Acne The Acne Treatment Just For You

Acne, acne, acne. We all dread having it. It can be called the bane of one's existence, the enemy of our social lives.

Unfortunately, it can't be avoided. Whether you are Caucasian, Asian or from East Germany or from Tibet, you will, at one point in your life, have this little (and sometimes big) red, ugly and swollen bumps in the face. So what to do when you have one or even several? Read this article to find the right acne treatment for you. Home Acne Treatment Acne can be treated at home especially if it's just a few innocent bumps.

It is very important the acne infested area is clean by washing the affected portion twice a day with a mild and unperfumed facial cleanser. It is very important to use a mild cleanser because strong soaps strip the face of its natural oils leaving it to dry. After washing, pat dry your face. Again, do not rub for this may cause further irritation. For this home acne treatment, we are going to use benzoyl peroxide. Just squeeze a generous portion in your finger and dab on areas of your face.

After dubbing, spread the medicine gently until every part of the face is covered. After 15 minutes, you can now apply moisturizer. Do not wash the benzyl peroxide off your face. Other points on this acne treatment: Do not squeeze the life out of that acne no matter how much tempting and enjoyable it may seem.

Avoid touching your face. If you must, use a tissue or a handkerchief. Home treatment for acne may take days or even weeks to take effect so patience is a virtue, people. Oral Acne Treatment Another acne treatment you can try is the oral acne treatment wherein you just have to swallow an itsy, bitsy little pill to solve your acne problems.

But take note that this is no miracle pill. This oral antibiotics have to be taken daily for around three months just to see the effects. If you are a woman and is suffering from acne, you can try taking hormonal pills or contraceptive pills. These pills not only prevent pregnancy but it can also help clear up your face from acne. One pill called Diane has an ingredient called cyproterone acetate that is very helpful in eradicating acne. Another medicine that can use for treatment of acne is Oral Retinoid.

This medicine is most of the times used for severe and stubborn acne. But take note that this can't be used by pregnant women for it can affect her baby. To avoid this, this medicine can only be obtained if prescribed by your doctor.

Specialist Acne Treatment You have a date next week and that darn pimple just won't clear up! Desperate times need desperate measures. If that's the case then this is the acne treatment for you! Consult your dermatologist at once to have the acne treatment suited for you. Results are not instantaneous and it may hurt a little especially when your doctor has to inject medicine to your pimples one by one but it is faster than the two other methods.

It is also a little more pricey than the other acne treatment but results would be definitely worth it.

To find more information about acne skin care visit my acne treatment website. For choosing the best treatment for your acne you need to visit the acne skin care review page.

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